One of my goals is to create a program that shows kids what it really takes to excel at something. I have met so many people that think you're born with a talent. My experiences have shown me that success comes from another source; persistence, intelligence and practice. Secrets of the Champions is intent on showing kids the path that real champions take and hopes to inspire them on that path. Click on the picture below to go to Secrets of the Champions! Enjoy, and tell me what you think!
Chain Through Body Illusion - Amazing!
Imagine taking a solid steel chain, putting it behind your back and then pulling it straight through your body! The world famous Jeff Hobson and I have created an illusion that allows you to do exactly that. It's stunning and one of a kind and available now. Send a request through our contact page and we will give you information on how to own this amazing illusion!
If you wish to order a product or reach us by e-mail, fax, phone, semaphore, smoke signals or letter please contact us at:
Champion Media 625 Mainland Drive Las Vegas, NV 89123 702 217 0363 Email: